March 13, 2025
U.S South Pacific Scholarship Program

U.S South Pacific Scholarship Program

The United States Congress has opened applications for the United States- U.S South Pacific Scholarship Program.

The U.S South Pacific Scholarship Program was funded by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State to provide opportunities for Master’s and Bachelor’s degree students to study at the University of Hawai‘i in fields that are promptly related to the development needs of Pacific island countries.

This scholarship is a competitive, merit-based scholarship program that enables the recipients to obtain a broader understanding of the United States.  

The Scholarship is available for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students studying; agriculture, business, communication/journalism, education, environmental studies, gender studies, NGO management, political science, public administration, public health, STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, mathematics), and other related fields.

How do you apply for the U.S South Pacific Scholarship Program? Keep reading; we have got you covered. 

About U.S South Pacific Scholarship 

The East-West Center administers the U.S. South Pacific Scholarship Program on behalf of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

The U.S. South Pacific Scholarship Program is a competitive, merit-based scholarship program that gives opportunities for academically talented individuals from South Pacific countries to seek bachelor’s or master’s degree study at United States institutions of higher education in fields that are directly related to development needs in the South Pacific Islands region. 

U.S. South Pacific Scholarship Program also aims to allow participants to obtain a broader understanding of the United States. 

The U.S South Pacific Scholarship Program educational exchange experience includes participation in diverse cultural activities, mentoring, host family, and volunteer service programs. 

This program is funded by the United States Department of State and administered by the East-West Center.

The scholarship program will include a mentoring component with a possible follow-on summer internship and readily accessible opportunities for participation in the host family and volunteer service programs.

Overview of U.S South Pacific Scholarship 

The U.S. South Pacific Scholarship Program is run by the East-West Center (EWC) in the United States. 

The East-West Center (EWC), otherwise known as the Center for Cultural and Technical Interchange Between East and West, is an education and research organization founded by the United States Congress in 1960 to uphold relations and understanding among the peoples and nations of Asia, the Pacific, and the United States. 

The East-West Center is headquartered in Honolulu, Hawaii, three miles from Waikiki and adjacent to the University of Hawai’i at Manoa. 

The Center’s lush 21-acre campus includes conference facilities, three residence halls, and an office building housing research, program, and administrative activities. 

The central campus is the location for collaborative educational, capacity-building, and research programs that bring together graduate students and professional participants from Asia, the Pacific, and the United States. 

The East-West Center facilitates better relations and understanding among the people and nations of the United States, Asia, and the Pacific through cooperative study, research, and dialogue.

Fields of Study

The U.S South Pacific Scholarship Program gives priority to students studying:

  • Agriculture
  • Business
  • Communication/journalism
  • Education
  • Environmental studies
  • Gender studies
  • NGO management
  • Political science
  • Public administration
  • Public health
  • STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, mathematics)
  • Computer Science
  • Science
  • Women’s Studies and other related areas.

However, applicants are allowed to give special attention to explaining how their course of study would support the goals of the scholarship program if they are not listed in the primary areas of study. Professional degrees such as architecture, law, and medicine are not supported. 

Level of Study

This scholarship is available for Undergraduate and Graduate students pursuing higher education in the listed fields.

Scholarship Worth

The amount awarded for this scholarship varies. 

The scholarship worth amount covers tuition and fees at the University of Hawaii university residence hall room costs, a monthly stipend for meals and incidental expenses, health insurance settling in, and book allowance round trip airfare.

Who hosts the scholarship? 

The Eastwest center hosts the U.S. South Pacific Scholarship Program. 

Host Nationality

The U.S. South Scholarship program is taken in the United State, in Honolulu, Hawaii. 

Eligible Nationality

This scholarship is available only to United States citizens. 

However, applicants who have dual citizenship, one being that of the United States, are not eligible. 

United States non-citizen nationals and U.S. permanent residents are also not eligible for this scholarship. 

Eligible Countries

Only applicants from the following countries who meet the selection criteria can apply for the program:

  • Cook Islands
  • Fiji
  • Kiribati
  • Nauru
  • Niue
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Samoa
  • Solomon Islands
  • Tonga
  • Tuvalu
  • Vanuatu.

Eligibility criteria 

Eligibility requirements for this scholarship are of two categories:

  • Bachelor scholarship
  • Masters scholarship

Bachelor’s Scholarship:

Applicants must have completed secondary school by the deadline for submitting a university application for admission to their undergraduate program. In some countries, this means having completed “Form 6.”

In other countries, this may mean having completed “Grade 12.” 

Individuals who have completed some undergraduate-level courses but have not obtained the equivalent of a United States four-year bachelor’s degree are also eligible and strongly encouraged to apply.

Master’s Scholarship:

Applicants must have completed at least a three-year baccalaureate program. Those with a three-year Bachelor’s degree may apply for a bridging program of up to one year, which upon completion, allows for application to a master’s degree program.

Master’s programs may not need a bridging component, depending on prior study and academic performance during the first year.

 The U.S South Pacific Scholarship program does not generally permit direct application and admission to a graduate degree program.

Those who currently possess both a bachelor’s degree and a post-graduate diploma or honors degree, or will have earned a post-graduate diploma or honors degree before the scholarship’s August start date, are strongly encouraged to apply.

Because the program’s objective is to provide an educational exchange experience to those not previously afforded such an opportunity, preference will usually be given to candidates who have yet to gain recent extensive experience in the United States.

Preference may also be given to candidates without extensive opportunities to study at educational institutions outside the Pacific Islands region. 

Requirements for Eligibility 

  • Bachelor requirements:
    • Applicants must have a high school diploma at the time of application to apply for bachelor’s degree study. 
    • Applicants must have completed some undergraduate-level courses but have not obtained the equivalent of a U.S. four-year bachelor’s degree and are also eligible.
  • Master requirements:
    • Applicants must have completed at least a three-year baccalaureate program and may apply for a one-year bridge program leading to master’s degree study.
  • Applicant must be able to meet the requirements of the Exchange Visitor J-1 visa program.
  • Applicants must be from one of the sovereign Pacific Island nations, including the Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu.

Selection Criteria For The U.S South Pacific Scholarship Program

The review committee will consider applicants with the following criteria:

  • Academic merit
  • Evidence of leadership potential and experience
  • Community service
  • Cross-cultural knowledge
  • Experience
  • Sensitivity
  • Capacity for change
  • Adaptability
  • Ability to pursue independent study
  • Career potential 
  • Employment history
  • English language proficiency
  • Creativity
  • Initiative
  • Self-expression
  • Anticipated kinds of post-graduation contributions to home country and region.

However, Preference may be given to those with little or no previous United States or international study experience.

Note: Selection of applicants will be made by the United States-based academic review committee that may include Pacific Islands and other specialists from the East-West Center, the University of Hawai‘i system, a representative of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, and a Pacific Islands student representative.

Scholarship Requirements

Bachelor’s degree applicants must provide the following:

  • A certified original or certified photocopy of official academic records from
  • High school transcripts
  • Form 6 examination results and, if available, Form 7 results, 
  • Bursary examination results and any other pertinent examination results or certificates (e.g., PSSC)
  • Prior University Enrollment: Transcripts, degree certificates.
  • An official academic record bears the actual inked signature of a school official in charge of maintaining educational records and the embossed seal or stamp of the issuing school. It has been sent directly to the East-West Center by that school.

Master’s degree applicants must submit:

  • A certified original or certified photocopy of academic records (transcripts
  • and if earned degree certificates) from all previous universities or colleges attended. Official transcripts and
  • degree certificates must bear the actual signature of a staff person in charge of academic records and the
  • school’s embossed seal or official stamp and must be sent directly by the issuing school to the East-West 
  • Center
  • TOEFL or IELTS test scores if available. If you do not have a TOEFL or IELTS test score, you may still apply for the USSP scholarship.

How To Apply For The U.S South Pacific Scholarship Program

The Application Procedure for this scholarship can be done in two ways;

  • Online application 
  • Hardcopy application packet. 

Online applications 

Applicants who wish to apply online are encouraged to apply at

Hardcopy application packet. 

Applicants should get the downloadable application materials at

It may also be obtained from U.S. embassies or consulates located in Suva, Fiji; Auckland or Wellington, New Zealand; Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea; Apia, Samoa; or from the Award Services Office at the 

East-West Center, 1601 East-West Road, Honolulu, Hawaii 96848-1601; Telephone +1 (808) 944-7735; Fax: 

+1 (808) 944-7730; 


How To Submit A Hardcopy Application Packet

For applicants using downloadable application materials or hardcopy application packets, a complete application must include the following:

  • The completed application form, preferably typed or carefully hand-printed.
  • A passport
  • A legible copy of the biodata page of your passport from one of the eleven eligible countries (biodata = the page that shows the name, date of birth, and issue/expiration dates of 
  • the passport). 
  • If you do not have a passport, please include a copy of another government-issued identification card (birth certificate, national ID card, driver’s license).
  • Three references from academic, professional, or other referees familiar with the applicant’s intellectual abilities, civic engagement, and leadership potential. The references must be completed on the
  • East-West Center’s USSP Letter of Reference form. 
  • Send your complete application packet to the Award Services 
  • Office, East-West Center by the individual providing the reference.

Application Due Date

The U.S South Pacific Scholarship Program Awards will be announced on the East-West Center website by April 1, 2024.

Tips To Apply And Win The U.S. South Scholarship program

Consider these tips to help you with an outstanding scholarship application process and give you the best chance of being considered for the scholarships. 

Confirm your eligibility

The scholarships are made available to high school, colleges, Undergraduates and postgraduate students who need to display exceptional learning ability and need financial help to carry on. 

Ensure you fall into this category before clicking the apply button. 

Meet the eligibility requirements.

You must meet scholarship requirements and ensure that you are eligible for the detailed requirements of the scholarships.

This will help you know what to expect during the application process, and you can equip yourself accordingly.

Commence your application as early as you can

The application for this scholarship is still ongoing. You are advised to commence your application as soon as possible. Starting your application sooner will give you enough edge to be at the forefront of selection, and you will get enough time to gather all the required materials.

Also, you may have: 

  • Submit the complete application as and when due, accompanied by a few mandatory documents.
  • Keep track of deadlines and ensure that you submit all the required materials before the application deadline. 
  • Observe and carry out all the instructions given by the scholarship committee to avoid invalidating your application. 
  • Ensure to proofread your application and all other materials to ensure no errors and that everything is in order.
  • Follow up with your application with the scholarship committee to show that you are interested in the scholarship and willing to put in the extra effort.

Benefits Of The U.S. South Scholarship program

The U.S. South Scholarship program scholarship: 

  • Aims to relieve the load of the expenses of the students.

Award scholarship amount to be used for other costs except paying the freight of the students’ expenses like tuition, fees, books, and other students’ requirements. 

  • Seeks to encourage students to achieve their goals by overcoming all obstacles through a straightforward scholarship method. 
  • Give educational opportunities in various subjects about business, academics, and entertainment. 


Here is a summary of points to note about the U.S. South Scholarship program.

U.S. South Scholarship program application link:

Contact Information:

Level: Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels

Language Requirement:  Applicants of this scholarship must be proficient in using and speaking English. 

Supporting Documents: Applicants must complete the scholarship application online through the website.

You can also submit a hard copy of the document through the contact address provided above.

How to Apply: Applicants are required to apply through an online process or a physical process. 

Supporting Documents: You must complete the scholarship application online through the website.

You must also submit the latest transcript, submit proof of enrollment for the four-year program.

You also have to provide all the valid information in the application.

Language Requirement: Applicants of this scholarship must be proficient in using and speaking English. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Who can apply for the U.S. South Pacific Scholarship program?

The scholarship is open to undergraduate and graduate students pursuing bachelor’s and master’s degrees in chosen fields of study.

What fields of study can apply for the U.S. South Pacific scholarship program?

To be considered for this scholarship, you must study in any of these fields: Agriculture, Business, Communication/journalism, Education, Environmental Studies, and Gender studies.

Also, NGO management, Political science, Public Administration, Public health, STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, mathematics), Computer Science, Science, Women’s Studies, and other related fields.

What are the criteria for selecting the winners?

The review committee selects winners based on the selection requirements listed by the committee. 


The U.S. South Pacific Scholarship program is authorized by the United State Congress and funded by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State.

It is hosted by the Eastwest center to provide finance for undergraduate and graduate students studying; Agriculture, Business, Communication/journalism, Education, Environmental Studies, Gender studies, and NGO management.

Applicants studying Political science, Public Administration, Public health, STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, mathematics), Computer Science, Science, Women’s Studies, and other related fields.

Application and scholarship requirements for undergraduates and graduates differ. Applicants should read comprehensively about this before applying.

Also, ensure you meet the selection and eligibility criteria before applying. 

We hope you have found the article helpful.

We wish you luck when you apply.  

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